
Adding Friends

Hello everyone.
     I have recently added A TON of new blogs that I will be following. I ask that in return, I get a few followers back! I'm not sure if it tells the Blogger that I have added them, but I hope that if the people that I added, SEE that i added them, that I get a few new followers! :) 
     You may be asking, "Why do I want new followers?". Well the simple answer is: MONEY! In order to bring in a little bit of extra income, I have chosen to Monetize my blogs, as I'm sure many fellow bloggers have chosen to do as well. Monetezation of my blogs means that each time someone visits my blog, and clicks on an ad, I will get a portion of the money that that company makes for each click. So please, if you want to help a fellow blogger, PLEASE follow me, as I have followed you! And tell your friends to follow me too!!
     Right now, my blog is pretty... umm... boring! (LOL). But the reason for that is, I have been in Nursing School for the past few years and if anyone has been through nursing school, it is like boot camp.. I really have not had time to do ANYTHING, especially blogging. So now that I am nearing the end of my Nursing School journey, I hope that I will have a little bit more time to write, and take pictures! Which I hope will make my blog a lot better, and bearable, to visit more often!
    Well if you are reading this, I will only have to assume that you have visited my page, so I sincerely thank you for doing so! But don't just leave! Add me! Follow my blog! The more the merrier!!


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